The World Transformation Movement

Tim is a Patron of the World Transformation Movement (WTM), a registered not-for-profit organisation with the aim of understanding and ameliorating the human condition, the human condition being humans’ seemingly contradictory capacity for both ‘good’ and ‘evil’. Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson recognised just how important finding understanding of the human condition is when he wrote, ‘The human condition is the most important frontier of the natural sciences’ (Consilience, 1998, p.298 of 374), and in another of his books, ‘There is no grail more elusive or precious in the life of the mind than the key to understanding the human condition’ (The Social Conquest of Earth, 2012, p.1).

Tim Macartney-Snape on the summit of Mt Everest in 1990, with the flag of the World Transformation Movement

Tim on the summit of Mt Everest in 1990, with the flag of the World Transformation Movement. In this picture the new WTM flag has been photoshopped in to replace the original ‘Key Held Aloft’ WTM flag that Tim actually held, which you can see in the bottom-left inset.

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An Introduction to the World Transformation Movement and Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough work on the human condition given by Tim for a presentation on the WTM’s website

Tim Macartney-Snape introducing Jeremy Griffith and the World Transformation Movement


My name is Tim Macartney-Snape and I would like to introduce you to the work of my very close friend and fellow Patron of the WORLD TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT, Jeremy Griffith. Jeremy is an Australian biologist and the author of many books and publications about the human condition.

The issue of the human condition, which is humans’ capacity for what has been called ‘good’ and ‘evil’, is really the agonising core issue that we humans have needed to understand about our behaviour—and it is that all-important biological understanding of the human condition, which the discoveries of science have at last made possible, that Jeremy presents. The ability to understand this essential aspect of ourselves is what makes the TRANSFORMATION of humans possible, and with that TRANSFORMATION of ourselves comes the TRANSFORMATION of our world — hence the name of the organisation that has been established to support and promote these understandings: the WORLD TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT.

What Jeremy presents is nothing less than the culminating insight of all human enquiry into the nature of our world and our place in it.

As Jeremy has said, the eternal hope, faith, trust and indeed belief of the human race has been that one day the all-clarifying, reconciling, healing and TRANSFORMING explanation of human nature would finally be found, freeing humans at last of their insecure, troubled, good-and-evil-afflicted so-called human condition. And as incredible as it is, it is that greatest of all breakthroughs that has finally been achieved. It is this dreamed of explanation that Jeremy presents!

And it comes not a moment too soon, for only the clarifying, dignifying and redeeming biological understanding of the dilemma of the human condition — the understanding of our species’ extraordinary capacity for so-called ‘good and evil’, the understanding of why we humans have been so competitive, aggressive and selfish when the ideals are so clearly to be cooperative, loving and selfless — could heal the underlying insecurity of that condition, and by so doing bring an end to all the devastation, distress and suffering in the world.

Indeed, the great Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who early in his career had been a follower of the founder of psychoanalysis, the Austrian Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), was forever saying that “wholeness for humans depended on the ability to own their own shadow” because he recognised that only understanding of our species’ dark, human-condition-afflicted state could reconcile and relieve the guilt and resulting psychosis of that situation and make us “whole” again.

Similarly, the ancients had emblazoned across their temples the words “Man, know thyself” because again it was only understanding of the psychological reason for why we humans have not been ideally behaved that could heal that condition.

So, knowledge, specifically self-knowledge, is what the human race has been tirelessly working towards since the dawn of consciousness in the hope that someday, somewhere, sometime someone standing completely upright would truthfully and boldly walk right through the middle of all the confusion and seeming madness of our human situation and make sense of it all — and again, amazing as it is, that is what has happened. On the shoulders of all the eons of human enquiry and effort (and indeed benefiting from the courageous efforts of all humans who have ever lived) Jeremy has done just that. That day of days, that greatest of all breakthroughs has at last arrived! That holy grail of the human journey of finding first principle-based, biological understanding of the human condition has finally been found. Ameliorating, healing understanding of ourselves is now here.

From a situation of bewildering confusion and darkness about what it is to be human we have broken through to a world drenched in the light of relieving understanding. The dawn of enlightenment has arrived; the sun is finally coming up to drain away all the darkness from our lives. This is the most amazing moment.

You can view Tim’s presentation on YouTube here:

Tim Macartney-Snape World renowned mountaineer, explorer, international speaker, author, entrepreneur and twice honoured Order of Australia recipient.

“It’s time to climb the mountains of our minds.”

From Tim’s summit speech after his solo ascent of Mt Everest, 11 May 1990

THE Interview That
“Solves The Human Condition
And Saves The World”

The best introduction to the World Transformation Movement and the work of Jeremy Griffith is THE Interview. It provides the ideal, very short, introductory summary of Jeremy’s treatise on the human condition. It consists of acclaimed British actor and broadcaster Craig Conway’s interviewing Jeremy about his book FREEDOM: The End OF The Human Condition — which presents the completely redeeming, uplifting and healing understanding of the core mystery and problem about human behaviour of our so-called ‘good and evil’-stricken human condition—thus ending all the conflict and suffering in human life at its source, and providing the now urgently needed road map for the complete rehabilitation and transformation of our lives and world!

This interview was broadcast across the UK in 2020 and is being replayed on radio and TV stations around the world.


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Commendations for Jeremy Griffith’s treatise and the work of the World Transformation Movement

From Thought Leaders

‘[Prof. Stephen Hawking] is most interested in your impressive proposal.’

‘In all of written history there are only 2 or 3 people who’ve been able to think on this scale about the human condition.’ Prof. Anthony Barnett, zoologist

FREEDOM is the book that saves the world...cometh the hour, cometh the man.’ Prof. Harry Prosen, former Pres. Canadian Psychiatric Assn.

‘I am stunned and honored to have lived to see the coming of “Darwin II”.’ Prof. Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed ecologist

‘Living without this understanding is like living back in the stone age, that’s how massive the change it brings is!’ Prof. Karen Riley, clinical pharmacist

‘Frankly, I am blown away by the ground-breaking significance of this work.’ Prof. Patricia Glazebrook, philosopher

‘I’ve no doubt a fascinating television series could be made based upon this.’ Sir David Attenborough

From The General Public

‘Griffith should be given Nobel prizes for peace, biology, medicine; actually every Nobel prize there is!’

‘He nailed it, nailed the whole thing, just like the world going from FLAT to ROUND, BOOM the WHOLE WORLD CHANGES, no joke.’

FREEDOM will be the most influential, world-changing book in history, and time will now be delineated as BG, before Griffith, or AG, after Griffith.’

‘I’m speechless – this is bigger than natural selection & the theory of relativity!’

‘I really think this man will become recognized as the best thinker this world’s ever seen, and don’t we need him right now!’

‘Griffith has decoded the human species, we FINALLY know what’s going on & the suffering stops!’

‘The world can’t deny this for much longer, let the light in, save the human race!’

THE Interview should be globally broadcast daily. The healing explanation humans so sorely need.’


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History of the World Transformation Movement

‘The Key aloft’ The logo for the Foundation For Humanity’s Adulthood

Although the task of disseminating Jeremy Griffith’s world-saving biological explanation of the human condition is far from over, the history of the World Transformation Movement’s endeavours to this point is fascinating. Read about the World Transformation Movement and its astonishing world-saving history at the ‘About The World Transformation Movement’ page on the WTM’s website.

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Further Introductory Presentations about the World Transformation Movement

Tim has also made the following presentations about the work of Jeremy Griffith and the WTM:

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World Transformation Movement on Social Media

There is growing interest, discussion and a global community of support for the World Transformation Movement, so if you are interested in getting involved with asking questions, seeking feedback, and joining other interested people around the globe you can find plenty of excited momentum on any of the following social media sites:

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World Transformation Movement Centres

Alongside the original WTM Centre in Sydney, Australia, World Transformation Movement Centres are being established around the world to help bring to everyone the now desperately needed all-relieving and all-explaining biological understanding of the underlying issue in all of human life of our troubled human condition.

Visit the WTM’s Community page to learn more about the formation of these Centres, and you can access each of the WTM Centre websites by clicking on their images below.

South Pacific WTM Albury website

WTM Tweed Heads
founded by Colleen Fryar

website under construction

UK & Ireland World Transformation Movement Bolton website

WTM Manchester
founded by Rob Hannay

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WTM Plymouth
founded by Nick Rule

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WTM Truro
founded by John Nichol

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WTM Bialystok
founded by Mariusz Zaleski

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WTM Frankfurt
founded by Susanne Supper

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WTM Obdach
founded by Michi (Michael) Bärnthaler

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WTM Slovenia
founded by Ales Flisar

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WTM Ethiopia
founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis

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WTM Kimberley
founded by Alfred Khaziwa

website under construction

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